Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Scenes from the annual Ray Halloween Bash '09

Our annual bash was a great the success this year!! Everyone came in costume!! We had quite the variety of costumes!! Not everyone is pictured, hopefully more photos coming soon, (waiting on pictures from friends!!)

Ken & Barbie aka Beer Gut Billy & Supersize Sally
Beer gut Billy's gut!
Swat and Prisoner
Fred and Daphne
Biker chick
Granny and Breezy
Lil' Red Riding Hood (not pictured was the Big Bad Wolf)
Scene from the 500 games of flip cup!
Serving Winch
Fred goin' groovy

Crazy kid at the Park!

Ethan loves loves loves the slides at the park!
This is crazy kid coming down the curly slides!!

Ethan would not put his hands on the bars to help himself climb...
instead he used his elbows!

Leafy Fall Fun!

It was a gorgeous Sunday afternoon, so we decided to spend the day at Columbian Park!! Leaves were everywhere at the park....we made great use of them, piled them up and Ethan jumped right in!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

It is official..

Well today I finished my last step for becoming a STUDENT again...AGGGHH scary! I have a schedule of classes now...and will become very busy, as if the daily routine of wife/motherhood wasn't enough!! I will now be doing breakfast, then an hour of MATH (ick), English, and then two hours of Communications...then back home again to take care of Ethan and homework. I am very excited to get things going tho! I have a very busy four years ahead....and my advisor told me the RN program is difficult to get into...straight A's are needed, then she says, "not to scare you or anything, that's just the truth!" Eeeek, thanks for the info!!
The great news is that GOAL #1 is in action, and as soon as it is going good or finished, we will be moving to another state (Florida is the destination so far), and I will either continue school for RN or be working as an RN! We are sooo excited for a change and am happy to have something to look forward to!!