Thursday, February 25, 2010

I know....I know.... I have been a little busy. Homework, classes, snowstorms, Ethan......busy busy busy! I have not taken many pictures lately, and have not really had much to blog on. Update on school: Going great, I really love it. Except I am ready for nursing classes, my brain is burning to learn some new things!! My math class I am proudly holding an A in, and officially taught myself Geometry this week. Yaay, don't be jealous! I seriously know an equation for everything now, and still more to go! I have wrote about 6 papers, and it's only the end of Feb! I am excited for Spring Break, I feel like we should be going on some crazy vacation somewhere doing something really stupid! Anyways, we are all doing great. Clint just turned 30 and has been doing an awesome job helping me out! He even bought himself a new mop because mine was too worn out for him!! As for Ethan, he is adjusting. He really is enjoying his time with Dad, but every morning he tells me I should just stay home from school today and not ever go back! He is trying to read now and is also counting double digits. He surprised me when he went past 20 and continued on and on and on! He is enjoying kid crosswords and all sorts of smart stuff....he is my little brain child! I could write and endless book on his sayings/stories/phrases for the day, he is too comical! Well, I am done...hopefully will have more pictures next time!

1 comment:

Cara Terreri said...

Thanks for the update!! You gave me a nice 360 snapshot of what's happening with you right now, cool!