Thursday, October 29, 2009

Scenes from "Boo at the Zoo"

Boo at the Zoo was a fun night at the Columbian Park Zoo! There were lots of games that all ages could enjoy, lots of fun spooky, gooey things for kids to touch, candy to collect for playing games, and all sorts of things for kids!!! Ethan had sooo much fun! There were kids everywhere, dressed in hilarious costumes, running in all directions!

The new lion at the zoo!!
Ethan and the Giant Pumpkin!! (483 lbs)
The fairy in the Butterfly Walk-thru. It was a little girls dream in there!
Pumpkin Bowling
Pumpkin Putt Putt

Feed Frankenstein

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fun time! Great thing for kids his age to enjoy, nothing too scary!