Friday, December 12, 2008

"Ethan says the darndest things!"

This is something new I am going to try to keep going. Not sure how often I will post it, weekly, monthly, etc....guess it just depends on how clever Ethan is for the week or so! I thought it would be good to keep posts about his little remarks that he has ever now and then. The funniest, sometimes inappropriate, sometimes way too smart for a 3 yr old things just come out of that mouth. This way, we can always look back and remember what he said!
These are some of his most recent remarks!!
"I was just trying to make it fun, and you keep yelling at me!"
"Your chopped liver"
"Aiden can use the toilet, just go hold him over it!"
"Mommy, why did you take your peepee off?"
"Fine, I just won't play anymore!....hmmmph"
"Mommy saw me, and said Oh My God!"
"I always do it, it's just what boys do!"


Anonymous said...

This is a GREAT idea! This way you will always remember the hilarious things that he says! Papaws chopped wiver! He is Grandmas boy!

Alex Taylor said...

Holy crap, when I read the Aiden-toilet thing, I lost it!
Clever little devil