Monday, March 29, 2010


As for myself, classes are going great! I have straight A's for now and only a little over a month left for my first semester! I am ready to get this semester over with and enjoy a couple weeks off! I am continuing classes (rather one class) through the summer so I will stay busy! I also have been busy between classes working out. I joined the Newtone Health and Fitness club! So far so good....I am loving it!! Just a little off to study for a fun Math test!!


Ashlyn came to spend her Spring Break with us last week. As a "thank you" for helping out with Ethan, I took her prom dress shopping. We found an incredible deal on her dress AND shoes...$20!! Very proud of her and myself!!

Loving the shoes!

Random moments of Ethan

The following are random shots of Ethan over the past month!!

Showing off his new Spongebob sunglasses!
Checking himself out!
Close up of that dirty face!
He had dirt for dessert!
Clint, Ethan and Lil 'Ol Sally
Cake Time!
Drawing with his new Glitter Glue pens
Ethan and Sophie

Little Rocker

Ethan playing rockin' music on his guitar! ( has quit making actual noise!!) And like all famous musicians, he is making his own fashion statement!!

Craft Time!

Ethan and I made homemade birdfeeders the beginning of this month. They turned out really good....although ours became "squirrel" feeders! Ethan loved the oooey-goooey mess!