Monday, August 31, 2009

A New Friend!!

This is Sadie Sue! She is the newest addition to Grandma and Grandpa T.s household! She is only 4 weeks old!! She is doing very well, but is soo tiny! Papa T has another baby girl, and I think she may end up being more spoiled than the first!!

Sadie Sue!
Teacup Terrier!
Am I cute or what!?
And Ethan had to show off his dog!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hotwheels....hotwheels....and more hotwheels!!

This is all the new hotwheels that Ethan received for his birthday! Plus the two driving tracks, fire station, and carrying case! He got right at 50 cars! Plus not included in the picture is a remote control jeep and a big spin-out car from Aunt Alex! I would say we are well stocked on hotwheels for quite a while!!!

Ethan's Fourth Birthday Party!!

We had a great turn out for Ethan's big day! The weather was an unusually cool August day, which was actually nice to be able to sit outside and enjoy ourselves! Ethan had a blast, and was on the biggest sugar high EVERRRR!!! He was soo excited, he couldn't contain himself!
This is his birthday cake! (handmade by me!!)

Make a wish!!
Devouring his first piece (of many more that day!)!!
Gift of the day: HOTWHEELS!
Do I smell cake!?
After all the sugar, presents, and excitement, the kid was exhausted!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A quiet activity!

This is an all to familiar sight in our house anymore! There are usually about two spots in the house set up like a parking lot, and sometimes along with one outside!

The joys of boys!

Does my butt look fat?

They claim a cat picks the most comfortable spot in the house to sleep....but I must disagree with this one!!!

A visit from the South!

Grandpa Felgenhauer and Aunt Camille made a quick trip to Indiana this past weekend! Ethan had lots of fun seeing them again, and is ready to see Aunt Camille again!! She is growing up way too fast!!
Aunt Camille and Ethan!!
Grandpa and Ethan
Ethan taking a picture of Grandpa

Happy Fourth Birthday!!!!!

Today was Ethan's 4th birhtday! I made him a brownie fudge lava cake! Nothing is better than chocolate, gooey fudge, and ice cream! It was quite a success with Ethan!!! Now we are all ready for Saturday!
Yaaaay!! Make a wish!
A couple gifts from Mom and Dad!
A remote control jeep!
The second gift was a Snow Cone machine!
This is Ethan enjoying it!!!
We all had a great day together, and Ethan had more sugar in one day than he has in months!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cars+Dirt = Very Happy Boy

Clint and Ethan have been very busy this past week in the backyard! They have been building their own small "city" with roads, houses, and stores galore! Ethan has been outside from about 8:30 am til about 7:30 pm, coming in incredibly filthy and sooo happy! Please rain stay away for awhile!!
This is Ethan's house...notice the tunnel (tea box) to take to his place!

Leaving his place!
Long road to Dad' pass Payless, Aldi's, the Pepper and Leaf store on your way there!
At Daddy's, stealing his cars!
Clint's house!
The long road to my house!
My house, along with my mini grape farm! (imagination!!)
This is Target! (My creation)
Ethan doing burnouts in his Mustang!!
Every small town has to have it's catastrophe story...headlines read,
"Small plane takes out local Target...small boy laughs!"

It was a great time, and Ethan has never been happier with it! It's his new found obsession!! So, let's do the NO rain dance, and keep on playing!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tippy Toes!

Notre Dame Cozy Coupe!

With Ethan having quite a collection of cozy coupes (two cars, and one convertible), Clint has decided to give them an "Overhaul" and paint them!
This is the Notre Dame coupe!
Comes with black interior!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ethan + hair gel + Mommy being up too late= see pics below!!

Saturday night we had a little get-together, small fire, cards, drinking, etc.....and we all stayed up WAYYYY too late (let's just say we could have watched the sun come up!!)!!! Well after about me sleeping for 3 hours, Ethan woke up, and it was time for me to rise and shine also! I wasn't soo shiny, but I got up! We were laying on the couch, playing cars, and I dozed off for maybe 5-10 minutes, and woke up to Ethan nowhere in sight. He must have known I was about to doze off and waited for the perfect moment to dart to the bathroom.
This is what you get after a half jar of sticky hair putty and water! He had amazingly stiff hair, and as I am putting this on the blog almost 8 hours later, his hair is still standing! He was very proud of himself!

A new home, a new beginning!!

This is my Aunt Christy. This past weekend she made a very big move!! She is now living in a house in Lafayette! She shares the home with 8 other women. She is very happy with the change so far, she had a great weekend! This is such a better setting for her. She will be working daily, and going on outings on a regular basis! The house is brand new, and very nice and functional for what she needs! We are sooo excited to have her closer to us, and for her to finally have a life all her own! She has had a very rough past five years, so hopefully this will be a wonderful new beginning in another chapter of her life!