Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Let's Go For a Ride!

The Saturday after Christmas was un-seasonably warm....not much sunshine but pretty warm for here, being around the upper 60's!! We took advantage of the warm day, and let Ethan try out his new wheels! He had been riding all over the house, so it was time for some wide open spaces!! He did great!! (that scares me!!!) ~Don't worry a helmet is coming!!~

Tony Hawk stunt bike...a Really Cool Bike!

Up to our elbows in PlayDOUGH!!

Well, we are well stocked in playdough for quite a long time! Ethan loves to play with it (and I confess....so do I)!!! Santa brought Ethan the oven set that came with playdough! G&G T. got a canister set with 50 pieces in it! It's great! And it came with 10 cans of dough, plus dough in his stocking....and I had bought some on sale at Halloween time in the little cans...so altogether we have ~43~ cans of PLAYDOUGH!!!! And Ethan only plays with about two at a time! Below, the mess is only two cans!!
43 cans of playdough!!
Over 40 pieces of playdough accessories!
One very happy boy!
Nothing to do with playdough, but cute!!
He may just be a chef one day!

Now....where is all this supposed to go!?? I have no storage room left! haha!!

Grandma's or Santa....not sure who brought more presents!!

On Christmas day, Grandma and Papa T came over along with Aunt Alex. We had a great Mexican feast with lots of tacos, enchiladas, and lots of yummy food!! Ethan got lots more toys to play with! His favorite was the Fireman helmet! Aunt Alex got the fireman hose that shoots nerf balls! He loves it! It makes lots of fun siren noises AND amplifies your voice, tho Ethan doesn't need that! haha!!! He makes such a great Super Hero!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Santa thought we had two boys!!!

Well, Santa did arrive, after a month of threats that he would not come!!! But, I think Santa thought two boys lived here, because we had way too many presents for one boy! Ethan was exhausted from unwrapping presents--(though, he had the energy to throw a fit when Sally opened her present from Santa!)!!! I didn't get as many great pictures as I wanted, but I video taped most of the morning, and the videos are hilarious!! (but too big to post!!) Ethan was very happy, and think he got everything he asked for!!

This was one of his favorites! Thank you Mamaw and Papaw's from Texas!!

And his big gift, his really cool bike!!
He also got a "cart with wheels." This was his main gift that he badly wanted! I have pictures of that coming soon with scenes from his "store!" Overall, we had a great christmas!!! Now, ON WITH THE WARM WEATHER already!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

All ready for Santa here!

Ethan's tray of goodies for Santa! And carrots for the reindeer!

Christmas Eve with the Rays!

We had a wonderful dinner with Grandma and Papa Ray, and Uncle Dwayne! We all got great presents, but I think Ethan loaded up!! He had soo much fun, he didn't know what to do, or which candy to try!! My little chef was lucky enough to get an Easy Bake oven, which he is claiming to be a microwave! Of course we had to bake a cake! It was so much fun! Below are some pictures of his FIRST cake!
YAAY! Pots and Pans, Ethan's favorite!!
His first cake!
Notice the icing dripping from the spoon!
Not too bad...
I didn't get a picture of the "demolished" cake after he iced it again and again...and then tried it! He had so much fun!
THANKS, Grandma & Papa Ray!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Not a Happy Mom!

It may be a couple days before I have some new pictures. I would have had some of the christmas get together with my mom's family, but we had to send in our NEW camera! There was something wrong with the zoom! At least we can send it in, and get a new one in it's place, but just have to wait for it to be shipped! Let's hope it will be here before Christmas!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"Ethan says the darndest things!"

Well, it didn't take long to have a couple of new "remarks" from the mouth of the Great Ethan. Tonight, Grandma T and I had the swell idea to finish up some christmas shopping! (HA, what were we thinking)!! As we went through each store, the fits got worse and just more ridiculous. One store, we actually had to leave, but went back to try again. Anyways, he was even having some road rage too. The cars were not moving fast enough for his liking, and wanted me to honk at everyone!---I am not a road rage kind of driver, either---must be from Daddy!! Well his Grandma told him we couldn't speed because the cops would get us....and of course this later led to a great remark!! For dinner, we were just going to go through a drive thru and grab some sandwiches...I had mentioned McDonalds..(oops)! So, the store we were going to go to next was beside a Wendy's. Ethan was in the back yelling "I want Mcdonalds", so I told him it was Mcdonalds...thinking he is only 3, he can't read, he will never know! Yeah well, he came back with "then, why is Wendy's picture on the wall"!!! Are you kidding me!!!??? who would have thought!! After a big mix up with the drinks...root beer..sprite..we finally got out of there!! Grandma then sat in the car while I ran in the grocery store really quick. When I came back in, Ethan was all teary-eyed, I asked what happened. Well, he had told his Grandma that she had been bad, he was calling the cops to come and take her away! (remember her comment from earlier)!!! She told him that wasn't very nice, and he was then feeling really bad and crying that he didn't want her to go away! So, that was our evening. No picture, just a passed out 3 year old that couldn't handle the holiday buzz!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

"My baby"

With having Aiden now during the days, I have gotten out some of Ethan's old baby things! My mom had a pack and play that I borrowed, and Ethan just thinks it's the greatest thing! Now, when he was a baby, he would NEVER sleep in this! He would play for a while if we were outside and he was in it, but that's as far as it went!! But at the age of 3, he decided tonight that it's pretty cool! So, as he was throwing in a pillow, blanket and his teddy bear (who he recently has to have to go to bed now!), he asked me to put him in. Thinking this would last about five minutes, I gladly tucked him in and told him good night! And after about five minutes...maybe 10...this is what I found!
So precious, and too funny!!!

Cookie Time!

Every year for christmas, my mom and I always get together and bake cookies. Usually we make about 10 different kinds of cookies all in one day. This year, we were all a little busy and just didn't have enough time to spend a day doing it, so instead we just got together for our "annual" sugar cookies. This time Ethan was big enough to join in and have some "sweeet" fun!! And ohhhh did this little guy have fun!! He did pretty good for his first time dealing with sugar sprinkles, sugary icing, sugar cookies, and supposedly not able to eat it all at the same time! He didn't care to eat the cookie, but he loved the sprinkles and icing! What sweet, sticky fun!!

Off to a great start!!
This is gonna be great!
Ethan's sugar concoction!what?...it's just sugar!
Wow, look at the sugary mix dripping from the lips!
"Just a little pinch, Ethan!"
A little face decorating too!!

"Ethan says the darndest things!"

This is something new I am going to try to keep going. Not sure how often I will post it, weekly, monthly, etc....guess it just depends on how clever Ethan is for the week or so! I thought it would be good to keep posts about his little remarks that he has ever now and then. The funniest, sometimes inappropriate, sometimes way too smart for a 3 yr old things just come out of that mouth. This way, we can always look back and remember what he said!
These are some of his most recent remarks!!
"I was just trying to make it fun, and you keep yelling at me!"
"Your chopped liver"
"Aiden can use the toilet, just go hold him over it!"
"Mommy, why did you take your peepee off?"
"Fine, I just won't play anymore!....hmmmph"
"Mommy saw me, and said Oh My God!"
"I always do it, it's just what boys do!"

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Busy Days Ahead

This is Aiden! He is going to be spending the days with us from 8 to 5!! He is such a little sweetie!! I finally get to smell those sweet baby smells again, it's so much fun! (and yes, the stinky ones, too!) Ethan did pretty well for his first day not having Mom completely to himself. A couple jealous moments, but overall it went well! Although, if Aiden could talk, I think he would tell Ethan he needs to quiet down!

The forgotten pups

Sally looks so threatening here. She is starting to show her age....or Ethan has just totally stressed her out the past year!! She is almost 10 years old now!
Oh...my feet are touching the ground..please hurry, put me in bed!
Our motherly lil Soph....who needs a haircut! Spring cannot come soon enough for her!

Monday, December 8, 2008

My Mini Tree!

This is my little tree before Ethan played with it.
And after Ethan!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

"O Christmas Tree"

We put our Christmas tree up this weekend! Ethan was so excited, he could hardly contain himself! We bought a new tree this year. It seems so big compared to the little tree we have been using! (note to parents: if you have lil kids, buy them a little tree with their own little ornaments! Helps stay out of the nice tree!) I bought Ethan a little 79 cent tree, and he loves it!
I tried to get Ethan to stand in front of the tree and take a good picture, but he was too busy! He was even too busy to take the time to put on his pajamas! (He will be sorry for this one day!! hehe!)

(I know, the tree needs a bigger skirt, but Ethan was not being the greatest child at the store, so we had to get out!!)